Four Benefits of Buying a Home Generator

Written By: Ryan Bowman

The good news is that we only have about another six weeks of hurricane season in South Carolina, but that six-week time frame can prove to be a tumultuous one. As we recover from Hurricane Ian, the one takeaway we should heed is that not having electricity is a huge problem. Winter might bring about the lessening of storm threats, but then we have to worry about ice and extremely cold temperatures. Now is the best time to consider whether you should prepare for electrical outages with an emergency power generator. These are just four benefits that you will gain if you do!

1. Power to Fuel Appliances

Power outages are not only irritating; they can be expensive! If your appliances aren’t powering on while there is an outage, then there is a good chance that it can lead to your food spoiling. Refrigerators and freezers might not be a huge concern if the power goes out during the winter, but during the summer, they are. If you invest in a generator this fall, then you will not only protect your food supplies for the winter season ahead; you will be good to go come spring and summertime, too!

2. Sump Pump Failure

A huge concern for many during storms is the potential that their sump pump will fail. A sump pump is a tool that helps to reduce the risk of basement or crawl space flooding. If you have things stored in the basement and your sump pump goes out due to electrical failure, that can lead to standing water. So a flooding situation could not only result in things getting destroyed; if the water is left to sit, it can also lead to mold and mildew issues, which can be costly!

3. Recreational Use

Just like the immediate thirst you feel when the well goes dry, your laptop, phone, and other electronics only have so much battery life and when it is gone, things get boring! If you work from home, then you also have to worry about not being able to get online and communicate with your clients. In this day and age, not having connectability is not only about entertainment; it is about survival!

4. Heating

Temperatures don’t often get extreme in the South, but when they do, that can lead to a serious problem if your electricity goes out. Don’t take a chance that we will have another ice storm as we did just a decade ago, which left many without electricity for more than weeks. If you have a backup generator, you never have to worry about keeping everyone safe and warm in an emergency!

If you escaped Hurricane Ian unscathed, consider yourself lucky, but don’t forget that what happened in Florida could have happened here in Augusta. As we head into the winter, there will be the potential threat of ice and extreme cold temperatures. Don’t leave yourself unprotected. An emergency backup generator is the best way to make sure that your family is taken care of in any emergency outage situation. Contact Morrison today to discuss what kind, type, and size of generator you need to ensure that you are safe no matter what storm heads our way!